December Job Seeker E-News: Happy Holidays from
Article: Five Things You Should Absolutely Never Put on a Resume
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Article Written By: Martha C. White
Corporate recruiters spend four to five minutes carefully scrutinizing every resume that hits their desk — at least, that’s what they say. But when jobs site TheLadders set up eye-tracking software to record recruiters’ behavior, they found that headhunters spend a stunning six seconds on their initial evaluation of a resume. Here are mistakes to avoid in order to make those seconds count.
Your whole life story. “All they’re looking at in the beginning is a couple of primary things,” says John Challenger, CEO of executive search firm Challenger Gray & Christmas. A hiring manager wants to know what your last couple of jobs were, when you worked there and if the skills you acquired fit with the position they’re trying to fill, so that’s what you need your resume to communicate — not your life story. Challenger also suggests having a second, more detailed resumé you can hand a hiring manager that gets more into the nitty-gritty once you land the interview.
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Article: Should You Take a Seasonal Job?
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Article Written By: Ashley Fidel
There are no two ways about it: The most expensive—er, wonderful—time of year has arrived. Even with an inbox full of holiday deals, most of us are feeling our wallets pinch this month.
But there’s a financial and professional silver lining that you may have overlooked: The holiday season brings a huge surge of seasonal job opportunities.
While we usually associate seasonal jobs with traditional retailers (Walmart and Target together are hiring over 120,000 temporary employees this winter), other high-demand industries such as restaurants, travel, event management, and e-commerce also increase temporary hiring during the holiday season. What does this mean for you? Seasonal jobs offer a win-win opportunity to try out a new company or industry on a short-term basis while providing much-needed supplemental income during the holiday season.
employment industry updates
Employment Outlook Survey Reveals Canadian Employers Anticipate a Steady Hiring Climate for the First Quarter of 2014.
Canadian employers expect a steady hiring climate for the first quarter of 2014, with employers in the Construction sector reporting the strongest job prospects according to the results of the latest Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, the most extensive, forward-looking employment survey in the world. READ MORE
Kellogg, Heinz plant closures part of a trend
The closures of food processing and packaging plants in London and Leamington are the fallout of corporate consolidation, changing consumer tastes, labour costs and government regulations that have conspired to create a $6.5 billion trade deficit in the Canadian food processing industry. READ MORE
Upcoming Event: Save the Date for the 2014 Mississauga Career Fair!
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