This is your brain on “continuous change”

Big events, such as life changes (moves, new job, promotions, weddings, births, deaths etc), as well as smaller regular daily shifts, like transitioning from task to task and skill to skill are all part of daily learning.  How we deal with change and transitions (big or small),  as individuals, as  organizations and as a  culture will determine  our present and future success.

Do you embrace the inevitable changes and transitions that are central to life, or do you avoid them until they are forced upon you and a choice is no longer there?

The dictionary defines Transition as follows:  movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another.

Examples of transition/change  could range from getting dressed,  going into a meeting, then going to another
meeting with a different focus, to brushing your teeth; beginning a therapy or fitness session, writing a report,
answering the phone, arriving home from work or  could also  be  an attitudinal shift,  change  in perception or belief. At any given time of the day, the volume of changes individuals are required to make could go from 20 to 50 within an hour span, and that is a conservative estimate.

Nothing stays  the same  for  very long.   Continuous  change  requires us to regularly address  how  we learn, research, communicate, collaborate, engage with others and model our behavior.  Each step in this ‘continuous identification  cycle’ is critical and applicable to our children, their learning; our  adult  learning as well as  an organization’s culture.    As we grow and change  it is advisable to prepare  ourselves  and our children  for the future.  How can we do this if we are in constant stress due to fast paced change and can’t adapt easily?

A great article in FORTUNE magazine emphasized  how universities are failing to prepare students with the
needed digital and social  media  skill set in a meaningful way. Dr. William Ward (handle  @DR4WARD) of Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public  Communications says, "Higher education, like business, needs a culture shift."

What was interesting about this  article is that not only  does  the content of education have keep up with
continuous change - equally important, is the daily development of our abilities and skills to grasp and process this continuous identification cycle of change.  We are all in need of this skill set during these ambiguous timesand rest assured we are all quite capable of mastering it.  

Among  Fortune 500 companies, 73% now have company Twitter accounts and 66% have Facebook Pages. Analysts estimate that  $1.3 trillion in value stands to be unlocked by new social technologies. But while businesses are hungry to tap social media, they lack the expertise to do so. Among 2,100 companies surveyed by Harvard Business Review, only 12% of those using social media feel they use it effectively.

The result is an exceptional demand for social media professionals who can boost the bottom line. "Social
communication done well increases productivity, saves money and time, and improves engagement and
satisfaction," Ward says. "[It's] a part of a larger culture shift changing how work gets done."

With higher education not addressing this gap, it is essentially up to the employers to not only have a plan, but as part of it to fill, develop and manage this skill gap and cultural shift with new and current employees.  Too add one more critical consideration to this plan; companies are dealing with the most diverse mixture of generations ever!    The boomers, generation X,  millennial generation, each bring value, different perspectives and characteristics to their organizations.   Businesses with a social media focus, working with the continuous identification cycle of change also have to become social integrators.

Innovative companies will need to identify new ways of training that deal with organizational shift, continuous
new learning, mentoring and training support programs. Thankfully, all of these generations and programs have one thing in common: they can all successfully implement, retain and integrate new learning and change by introducing Brain Fitness programs.

Interesting how movement is listed as the first description word for the meaning of “transition” in the dictionary.  For those who are new readers, Brain Fitness is the state in which we are performing well, mentally, emotionally and physically/functionally.  Brain Fitness grew out of the study of neuropsychology and neuroscience.  It is the science of building, maintaining and training cognitive abilities through neuroplasticity stimulating neurogenesis, the creation of new neurons, and neural connections.

Research tells us that when in stress, the average person only uses a limited portion of their brain, leaving the
majority underutilized in day to day thoughts, decisions and actions. It doesn't matter how much new
information comes our way, we need a neurological system that can successfully integrate the learning and
transition it to action. This happens when our brain achieves greater connectivity.

Using Brain Fitness (integrative movement), you can support a cultural shift, and level and enhance the playing field so there is common ground  during a shifting and uncertain market place as well as support employees change and transitional opportunities for growth and training retention.  Retention of any new learning is key to organizational efficiency.  Our memory loses 50% of newly learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless we consciously review the learned material (Hermann).  This stat can actually fluctuate based on the individuals stress level.   Our Brain Fitness tools directly impact stress by removing physical, emotional, mental and functional stress.  

Brain Fitness breaks are  simple, easy and effective.  When implemented they  lead to  greater clarity, focus,
productivity and stress reduction. A drink of water and some of quick Brain Fitness movements will restore
balance and connection and yield tremendous results immediately and long term.  Most of all, we connect to our higher brain power, the neo cortex - the place where our executive functioning skills reside.  Now we become innovative visionaries and agents of change!  As we grow, adapt and transition our brain to higher functioning, this positively impacts our personal and professional lives.  

To learn more about your brain and gain understanding of the simplicity of the brain’s ability to grow and rewire itself for enjoyment, efficiency, achievement and health, consider joining one of our personal/professional development courses and make some new brain links for your success!   Brain Fitness is easy and extremely beneficial to us all, no matter your age or ability.

About the authors
Jill Hewlett and Sharon Todd are  co-founders of Brain Works Global Inc., licensed Brain Gym® Trainers,
Educational Kinesiologist and Cognitive fitness  experts. Their company trains clients on how to maximize their learning potential while working in conjunction with their group and individual goals.
For over a decade Jill Hewlett has been providing inspirational and educational  keynotes.  As well, Brain Works Global provides in house and community training and personal and professional coaching services to a wide range of organizations, schools and the community.

For more information go to  or call Sharon Todd, Director of Sales and Operations 905.235.5546

Understanding the Boss

 Over the course of my career, I’ve encountered literally hundreds of CEO / Presidents and other executives in organizations ranging in size from very small (less than 10 employees) to multi-billion-dollar, multi-nationals employing thousands. Many of these people have been excellent in their positions while others are long past their ‘best before’ dates. Others should never have been in a position of authority at that, or sometimes any, level. The impact of the CEO business decisions (timing and accuracy) and the CEO personality on the morale of employees and on the organization’s credibility with all stakeholders cannot be understated and often makes the difference between the levels of success or failure the organization will achieve.

In this world of constant change, the CEO must also be able to determine product, market and sales strategy and tactics as rapidly as the change is occurring. If the organization is in a growth or decline, the CEO must also be able to determine effective resource strategies to ensure continued success or survival. Therefore, a CEO could be faced with rapid changes to the competitive environment and changes in the rate of growth simultaneously…and the two may not necessarily be related.

The problem is determining whether the CEO can effectively work in the current environment as well as the future environments that the organization may find itself.

Management Types 
My quite unscientific study and categorization of management types is to divide them into three areas: Operators; Managers; and, Leaders.

THE OPERATOR is the most basic type of boss. I characterize this person as reactionary, lacking basic knowledge capital in some areas of the organization and tend to use catch phrases that they’ve picked up along the way to try to show that they know what they’re doing. In other words, they appear to be large ponds of water when they are really shallow puddles. The Operator is not a manager at all…they are bosses and are likely to be very controlling. If this person has an ego or temper, watch out!

A MANAGER understands the continuum of “Plan – Action – Control” and has adequate knowledge capital to be able to know what the next logical action would be in terms of dealing with a gradual change in market or revenue. This person normally has the personality skill set to be able to direct people to meet end goals. They are tactical managers but do not necessarily have the vision that is required to lead change, get the most out of their resources or recognize sudden shifts in their competitive position.

A LEADER is very comfortable in their own skin and don’t have serious issues in letting people know that they don’t know everything. They know where their core competency is and, more importantly, where they need to surround themselves with others that have complimentary core competencies to form an effective management team. By surrounding themselves with talent, they make themselves appear stronger and give themselves the ‘thinking space’ to be able to manage the organization at both strategic and tactical levels. Few people mind working for, or with, a leader. If they ask you to jump, you’ll gladly ask ‘how high’ on the way up because you have confidence in their judgement and personality.

How They Got There 
The other category that I apply to understanding the CEO is how they became executives in the first place. Again, I divided this into three paths: The Owner; The Peter Principle; and, The Promoted.

THE OWNER is the CEO because they either own, or co-own, the business. They are the boss because they sign the cheques.

THE PETER PRINCIPLE CEO has been placed into the position for a number of potential reasons. Nepotism (hiring a family member), being a friend of the owner, being promoted because you’ve been in the business forever (best before date is well past) or being the consummate politician (also known as kissing butt) may get this person the title but they are at least one level of authority higher than they ever should attain.

THE PROMOTED CEO is a person that started in business at a substantially lower point in an organization. They have been watched over, motivated, mentored and promoted up the ladder over a period of time when they have shown the aptitude and ability to handle the responsibilities of that next level.

How They Likely Perform 
As with anything unscientific, there are exceptions to what I’ve observed. However, when I put the Management Type with the How They Got There into a matrix and then look at how they perform in terms of handling pace of change and growth changes, I come up with the matrix shown and can predict with some certainty how these people are going to perform.

The Owner Group
“OO” The Owner/Operator is going to be okay in a small organization that has very little probability of rapid market changes or changing volume in a hurry. These people are good at operating the corner store or small ‘boutique’ operations (e.g. organizations with less than 10 people). However, growing an organization or reacting to change will present major challenges unless they upgrade their knowledge capital and become effective managers of people and resources. As the business gets steadily larger, or has progressively faster change in market, this person could go from competent to unable to manage and then to the state of becoming a liability to the organization as they botch resource and product decisions.

“OM” The Owner/Manager is going to be okay with steady changes in the growth of an organization. The “Plan – Action – Control” and knowledge capital that they have in the business will stand them in good stead. However, they may mishandle rapid market changes or be unable to react quickly enough to a change in fortune. If they do recognize, or have planned for, change they will likely have considered utilizing outside assistance. If they have some good outside council, they should be able to weather short storms but would need to bring in permanent assistance if the changes continued to rock the boat.

“OL” The Owner/Leader is likely to be focused on the growth of their organization within their vertical. Controlling growth will not be an issue because they will have hired other management personnel that have skill sets that are complimentary. The potential issue for this person is rapid change to their marketplace if they haven’t also invested in outside counsel to assist in identifying change and the proper plans to survive and/or thrive with the changes.

Peter Principle Group
 “NO” As long as the organization is in a stable environment, this person will muddle their way through short-term issues. However, this person will not handle growth or change well. They don’t have the knowledge capital or personality to be able to do much. Next to the OO combo, this is probably the worst combination in a CEO that I can imagine in an organization in rapid growth or change mode.

NM” Due to their management capabilities, these people will be able to handle slow growth or market change conditions. Remembering that they are operating at least one level higher in the organization than they have a skill set to attain, they are likely to err when having to make a decision on rapidly changing situations.

“NL” If this person exists, they are a rare breed. They would only be here under the nepotism criteria of getting into this group and that means that it would be a stroke of good fortune for the person that hired/promoted them into the position for this person to truly be a leader.

Promoted Group
“PO” This is another of the rare breed type as a CEO or executive level manager. An operator, by definition, should not be promoted.

“PM” A person that has been promoted through the ranks and can, at least, follow sound methodologies for planning and controlling the enterprise should be able to manage the organization in times of changing markets and controlled growth. However, they don’t have all of the skills to take the organization to the upper level of its growth potential with the resources at hand.

“PL” Unfortunately, many of us never have the opportunity to work for a person that has the Knowledge Capital and people skills that a PL exhibits. This person knows their core competencies and has surrounded themselves with complimentary skill sets. Beyond understanding the continuum of “Plan – Action – Control”, they invest in continuous improvement of key performance indicators, technology and methodology and utilize organizational resources – internal and external – to ensure that outside influences to the organization are monitored and appropriate action taken when shifts occur.

Contributing Factors
There are some contributing base personality factors that can make the management type an extreme case. Anger management issues, inappropriate language, ego and pride can turn situations from bad to ugly. These people should not show up in the Promoted Group but regularly show up in the other two groups. The worst possible CEO situation I can envision is the “OO” type person in a growth or rapid change mode that has any or all of these attributes. This person would not just be incompetent they could easily become a legal liability to the organization as stress to maintain control mounts. Conversely, an “OO” that finally figures out that they are over their heads in managing the organization and does not have these negative personality traits could eventually become an “OL”.

As I’ve mentioned, the above observations at just that…an informal study that I’ve conducted over my career spanning more than three decades. It’s important to all stakeholders in an organization to understand that the type of person leading from the CEO/President position sets the tone for the entire organization because change, when needed, has to start from the top. It’s also important for employees to understand the type of person they are working for, the speed of the change and growth factors affecting the organization and understand the impact that these factors will have on their quality of life.

I’ve been an employee working for a few of these types of people and have observed most of the others as a consultant. I was fortunate to begin my career working with a “PL” and enjoyed the mentoring approach which helped me not only climb the promotional ladder, but also showed me how to get the best performance from people…there wasn’t anything that he asked that I wouldn’t get done. I have also worked for an “OO” who also had and ego and a temper in a high growth situation…he couldn’t pay me enough to stay.

To papa-phrase a quote from Confucius: “Choose a management style you can work with and you never be stressed a day in your life”. Your upper management’s type and personality will have a direct impact on how many days you feel stressed and underappreciated.

About the author
Ken Cowman is Managing Director of Emercomm Business Consultants Inc. of Mississauga, Ontario ( ) . Ken has over 40 years of business experience with over 25 years in C-level positions. He can be reached via email and his career profile can be found on LinkedIn