Startup life is about passion, drive, hustle, late nights, early mornings and responsibility, right?
Right. Business owners feel the pressure of what needs to be done right now, so vacation falls into second place in the priority line. Or even third or fourth… Who can think about enjoying time at the beach when you could be growing your business. Where does vacation time fit in, and is it really that important?
Let’s talk about what happens if you don’t take some time out.
It’s not a pretty picture. Poor health, loss of focus, loss of passion, relationship issues, unhappiness, and that’s just to begin with. Not taking a break can contribute to adrenal fatigue, or ‘burnout’, with symptoms of fatigue and weakness, skin problems, depression, poor memory, and much more. The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and secrete stress hormones (cortisol). They become taxed if not given a break. Infrequent vacationing is also associated with an increased risk of heart attack and heart disease. Pretty scary stuff.
But it’s not even all about your health. Taking breaks can actually help your startup
Former NASA scientists found that vacationers experienced an 82% increase in job performance post-trip. Stepping away from the screen, getting distance, taking a mental break, refreshing and rejuvenating the mind all aids productivity. Stefan Sagmeister knows all about the power of time off. Vacations can lead to creative bursts that you wouldn’t normally have when sitting in your office. New places = new thoughts. Old problems become new solutions. Greater perspective means greater success. And business owners who demonstrate a good example for their employees will ultimately inspire an overall increase in productivity and positive morale.
I know you all know it makes sense. But what if you really can’t take all that time away?
‘Micro-vacations’ are popular. Taking 2-3 days away to relax could be all you need. Maybe even a 1-day “stay-cation” with family or friends, or time at a retreat for a guaranteed change of pace. These are all good, although not as beneficial as a longer vacation. Know your business and take time when there are naturally slow times.
If you really, really can’t take a day away, then learning to manage stress in your day-to-day routine can make all the difference. Build ‘me-time’ into your schedule, take regular walks, exercise, meditate, practise yoga and other stress management techniques, or enforce a no “screen time” period to get your head out of the tech buzz. Even something as simple as taking short breaks throughout the day, say 15 minutes every 2 hours, can drastically improve concentration and productivity. Who’s up for #startuprecess?
So what we’re really saying is there are no excuses
Drop the unhealthy guilt. Make your health a priority and your business will thrive. Now go and book your vacation – doctor’s orders!
Article By: Helen Hayward. Article Originally Posted: