For Immediate Release: Friday, July 12, 2013

Importance of Disconnecting While on Vacation

Toronto, ON. – With Summer in full-swing, it shouldn’t be surprising that 55 per cent of Canadians plan on taking a vacation over the next couple months; what is surprising is that according to a recent online poll, 58 per cent of Canadians work while on vacation. A recent survey found that 18 per cent of Canadian workers report that their job is “highly stressful.” Chronic stress can lead to burnout and can worsen existing mental health problems or physical disability, the research warns.

This season, avoid burning-out and make sure to check out of the office and into some relaxation. has compiled a list of tips for disconnecting from the office and learning to enjoy while on vacation. Whatever your plans are, take time to relax and have a safe holiday!

5 Tips for Disconnecting from the Office While on Vacation:

  1. Make your absence as easy as possible for your colleagues. Communicate with all team members about what is require of them and what must be handled while covering a vacation. Be sure to clarify all points and walk them through any tasks that are new to them. Leave detailed instructions!
  2. Set and stick to out of office messages. Don’t send mixed signals by having a clear out of off message turned on, but then responding to emails. If claiming inaccessibility, stay that way. Management’s vacation behaviour sets the tone for the office, so be sure to lead by example.
  3. Write it down. If caught thinking about work while on vacation, make a note about it and get back to enjoying the time off. Unless the item is critical, it can wait until the vacation is over.
  4. Leave space in the calendar. Make sure to leave the day before and the day after open in the calendar. Try not to book meetings etc. and use these days depart with confidence and time to deal with any unforeseen problems when upon return.
  5. Ditch the phone. If all else fails, avoid temptation by leaving the phone at home or locking it away while on vacation. Be careful or a disgruntled family member might end up disposing of the phone at the bottom of a lake!
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