The Toronto Career Fair - October 4th at the Rogers Centre in Toronto.

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tales from the recruiter book cover

I wanted to give you a few quick updates about the new "Tales from the Recruiter - A Canadian Recruiter's Perspective on How to Get That Perfect Job".
1. We did have some delays in getting the hard copy books but they will be delivered to our office soon and your book will either be mailed or available for pick up at our office soon (depending on how you ordered it). 
2. We are posting updates on the book to the website at website and more updates will be available soon.
3. This fall should be very busy with various book events, presentations, etc. throughout the Greater Toronto Area.
4. There is a free "Tales from the Recruiter" webinar available for you and/or anyone else you think might be interested on September 25th.  The webinar will give you stories of things that have happened in my recruiting career and things you should avoid/be aware of in your job search. You can find out more details and register at  Can't make it at that time?  You can register and listen/watch the webinar at a time that's convenient for you.
5. The book is also available for download/purchase through Amazon (see and will soon be available for download/purchase through Kobo.
6. Above you'll also see the cover of the book.

I'm excited for you to both get the book and read it!  The book has taken close to 3 years to get to this point.  Send me your feedback when you do get a chance to read it and feel free to pass the book on to others.  If you'd like more copies of the book please don't hesitate to ask me about it!


Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA
Author of "Tales from the Recruiter"

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To View Our Full Media Kit Please Click Here. has been dedicated to helping companies find candidates for their positions within the Greater Toronto Area since 2002. With millions of hits to our website each month, thousands of resumes in our database and our full-service Recruitment Division, can help you find candidates for your company based on your specific hiring requirements.

Why Take a Vacation?

Startup life is about passion, drive, hustle, late nights, early mornings and responsibility, right?

Right. Business owners feel the pressure of what needs to be done right now, so vacation falls into second place in the priority line. Or even third or fourth… Who can think about enjoying time at the beach when you could be growing your business. Where does vacation time fit in, and is it really that important?

Let’s talk about what happens if you don’t take some time out.

It’s not a pretty picture. Poor health, loss of focus, loss of passion, relationship issues, unhappiness, and that’s just to begin with. Not taking a break can contribute to adrenal fatigue, or ‘burnout’, with symptoms of fatigue and weakness, skin problems, depression, poor memory, and much more. The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and secrete stress hormones (cortisol). They become taxed if not given a break. Infrequent vacationing is also associated with an increased risk of heart attack and heart disease. Pretty scary stuff.

But it’s not even all about your health. Taking breaks can actually help your startup

Former NASA scientists found that vacationers experienced an 82% increase in job performance post-trip. Stepping away from the screen, getting distance, taking a mental break, refreshing and rejuvenating the mind all aids productivity. Stefan Sagmeister knows all about the power of time off. Vacations can lead to creative bursts that you wouldn’t normally have when sitting in your office. New places = new thoughts. Old problems become new solutions. Greater perspective means greater success. And business owners who demonstrate a good example for their employees will ultimately inspire an overall increase in productivity and positive morale.

I know you all know it makes sense. But what if you really can’t take all that time away?

‘Micro-vacations’ are popular. Taking 2-3 days away to relax could be all you need. Maybe even a 1-day “stay-cation” with family or friends, or time at a retreat for a guaranteed change of pace. These are all good, although not as beneficial as a longer vacation. Know your business and take time when there are naturally slow times.

If you really, really can’t take a day away, then learning to manage stress in your day-to-day routine can make all the difference. Build ‘me-time’ into your schedule, take regular walks, exercise, meditate, practise yoga and other stress management techniques, or enforce a no “screen time” period to get your head out of the tech buzz. Even something as simple as taking short breaks throughout the day, say 15 minutes every 2 hours, can drastically improve concentration and productivity. Who’s up for #startuprecess?

So what we’re really saying is there are no excuses

Drop the unhealthy guilt. Make your health a priority and your business will thrive. Now go and book your vacation – doctor’s orders!

Article By: Helen Hayward. Article Originally Posted:

What Do Your Best Customers Smell Like?

If information is power, how much do you know about your customers? Try this quiz.
1. Who are your three best customers?
2. Why do they do business with you?
3. What is their competitive edge?
4. What are their greatest challenges?
5. Who are their chief competitors?
6. What significant trends are impacting their industries?
7. What do your best customers have in common?

Why are each of these questions and the answers important to you? If you want to keep your best customers and find more like them read on.

1 Who are your best customers?
How do you define 'best'? Is it the one who paid you the most money this year, the one who has paid you the most over the last few years or the one who provides steady business, pays promptly and is easy to service? You decide. You might need to create a few categories of best and deal with each differently. However you define best, establish your criteria then measure it regularly. Know who your best are and what they're doing. Treat them special. Stay informed and keep them informed. Stay in contact with them more often.

2 Why do they do business with you?
Stop patting yourself on the back and claiming that they are smart enough to pick you. Maybe that's true. But don't assume. Forget surveys; ask them directly, over coffee or lunch, "Tell me why you selected my company as your supplier?" Follow up with, "I am always trying to improve my service, and I want to ensure I don't make the wrong changes. So if there is one thing that I should not change what is that?" You might be surprised by their answer.

3 What is their competitive edge?
Would you do business with your best customers? After you ask them why they do business with you, ask "Why do your best customers do business with you?" Watch their reaction at your interest in them. If you know their competitive edge then you can demonstrate how your company can help them with that important edge. You can also offer them ideas to help achieve and promote that edge. They will love you for it.

4 What are their greatest challenges?
Is it competition, staff, or finding time to relax? If they don't want to tell you then back off. Likely they will be only too happy to share their concerns with a trusted colleague. Listen and don't try to solve their problem unless that is your area of specialty. Ask them how they are approaching this challenge. You will learn more about them in understanding how they think. You may be able to recommend a book, seminar, or associate who specializes in that challenge. Or you may be able to help them directly by adapting your service to help. If you can help your customers with the ghosts that keep them awake at night, you will become invaluable.

5 Who are their chief competitors?
If you know whom they see as their chief competition you gain insight in to how they position themselves. Are they the market dominator or the underdog? Each will have entirely different corporate cultures, styles and needs. You will market to them differently.

You also need to decide if and how you will deal with the key competitors to your best customers. It will depend on the nature of your business and the level of trust and confidentiality needed to maintain good customer relationships. If you are tempted to sell to their competition remember that the surest way to create allies is to have a common enemy.

6 What significant trends are impacting their industries?
Be aware of threats to your customers' viability and discover new opportunities for your business. How is their industry changing? How will they do business in one, three and five years? And how will you fit into that?

If you are aware of these trends then more news about them tend to grab your attention when you read the news or talk to others. You might clip and send your customer an article that talks about the trends. Your customer will appreciate your interest. When you market your product you may explain how it protects them from a negative trend or takes advantage of a positive trend.

7 What do your best customers have in common?
If you want more 'best customers' then know how to find them. Describe your best customers and post it on your office wall. It's like a wanted poster for good customers. If you know what you are looking for you are more likely to find it.

Think about how a hunter tracks their prey. They learn the habits, smells, likes and dislikes. You can do the same to find your big game. Here is a sampling of the information you might collect about your best customers; clubs and associations of which they are members, where they live, what they read, their education, special interests, sports and hobbies, recreation, demographics & ethno graphics, etc.

You can do two things with this information. Direct your marketing to these groups or places. It is like fishing. Discover where to catch the best fish and concentrate your efforts in those places. Find where you will catch the best customers and concentrate your marketing there.

Secondly ask your best customers to refer you to others like them in their groups. We prefer to do business with others who are like us. These referrals have greater weight and it helps you catch the customers you want.

Sharpen your nose and happy hunting.

George Torok is co-author of the national bestseller, "Secrets of Power Marketing", the first Canadian guide to personal marketing. Get your free copy of “50 Power Marketing Ideas at


For Immediate Release: Friday, July 12, 2013

Importance of Disconnecting While on Vacation

Toronto, ON. – With Summer in full-swing, it shouldn’t be surprising that 55 per cent of Canadians plan on taking a vacation over the next couple months; what is surprising is that according to a recent online poll, 58 per cent of Canadians work while on vacation. A recent survey found that 18 per cent of Canadian workers report that their job is “highly stressful.” Chronic stress can lead to burnout and can worsen existing mental health problems or physical disability, the research warns.

This season, avoid burning-out and make sure to check out of the office and into some relaxation. has compiled a list of tips for disconnecting from the office and learning to enjoy while on vacation. Whatever your plans are, take time to relax and have a safe holiday!

5 Tips for Disconnecting from the Office While on Vacation:

  1. Make your absence as easy as possible for your colleagues. Communicate with all team members about what is require of them and what must be handled while covering a vacation. Be sure to clarify all points and walk them through any tasks that are new to them. Leave detailed instructions!
  2. Set and stick to out of office messages. Don’t send mixed signals by having a clear out of off message turned on, but then responding to emails. If claiming inaccessibility, stay that way. Management’s vacation behaviour sets the tone for the office, so be sure to lead by example.
  3. Write it down. If caught thinking about work while on vacation, make a note about it and get back to enjoying the time off. Unless the item is critical, it can wait until the vacation is over.
  4. Leave space in the calendar. Make sure to leave the day before and the day after open in the calendar. Try not to book meetings etc. and use these days depart with confidence and time to deal with any unforeseen problems when upon return.
  5. Ditch the phone. If all else fails, avoid temptation by leaving the phone at home or locking it away while on vacation. Be careful or a disgruntled family member might end up disposing of the phone at the bottom of a lake!
Please feel free to re-print this article giving credit to

Article: Effective Techniques for Filling Open Positions
Article 1
Article Written By: Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA & Joseph Thomas
A major challenge for many companies is trying to find suitable candidates to fill open positions. There are many options available and there is no right or wrong answer as to which technique is best. Depending on the organization, one method may yield better results than another. Although there are many options available, this article discusses some of the more prevalent techniques used in today’s market.
A widely-held belief is that candidates referred by existing company employees are generally more reliable, perform better, and stay with a company longer than someone unknown. This unique method of recruitment might not be the most comprehensive way to generate a highly-qualified pool of candidates, but it may offer some cost/time saving benefits.
Media KitExhibitor2013 Toronto Career Fair


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Toronto Career Fair

HR Industry Updates
Canada's Employment Growth Stalled in June, 400 Jobs Lost: StatsCan
Job creation in Canada returned to earth last month as employers pulled back following an apparent hiring binge in May that proved too good to be sustained. Economists had expected payback from May's purported growth of 95,000 jobs and they got it with Friday morning's flat reading — actually a statistically meaningless loss of 400 jobs in June. READ MORE
Do You Think That Governments Should Subsidize Post Secondary Graduate Salaries?
Prince Edward Island is a great place to live, for all the reasons Canadians who head there on holiday know so well: the ocean, the people, the oysters. Yet this week its provincial government announced that it will subsidize the salaries of all postsecondary graduates by up to 70 per cent, an effort to keep graduates at home and businesses hiring. READ MORE

Article: The 7 Stages of Promotion
article 2
Article Written By: Dr. Todd Dewett
We owe it to all aspiring leaders to tell them about the mental and emotional journey they will experience before and after promotion. We do them a disservice if we allow them to be surprised by the process, a process I refer to as the stages of promotion.
I share these ideas because promotion is fundamentally about moving forward into an unknown place. People don’t know what it’s like to lead until they get there. Too often, however, professionals overestimate how well they know this new place, thus they engage the stages of promotion with surprise and elevated stress

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Creating Training Programs for your Organization

By Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA
Creating a training program for your organization can be extremely valuable but also a very time-consuming and potentially expensive endeavour.

This article will provide some tips to consider when creating a training program.

Needs and goals assessment

Defining your objectives before starting to create a training program is a must. Decide on the goals and objectives you’re trying to achieve and rank them as necessary.

Availability of resources

Determine whether your organization has the time available and the staff resources required to create and implement the program. Don’t underestimate the time and energy required to put together a well-executed training program.

Evaluate options

Evaluate all options available to make the best possible decisions for your organization, and be objective when evaluating them.


Decide whether to have the training on-site or externally. An advantage to off-site training is that it can significantly reduce distractions, allowing for more focus from the participants. Consider technology issues for employees who may want to participate in the training from a remote location.

Who will conduct training?

There are several options as to who should conduct the training, including employees, managers or external consultants.  Be aware of costs and time required in your choices.


It’s preferable to conduct training when it’s less busy in your organization, but also when you’re more likely to have maximum attendance. If possible, make the training compulsory. 

Numbers/Diversity in the Program

To provide the best training possible, consider how many will attend the session(s) and the breakdown of attendees. Decide on a larger vs. smaller group, older/younger, more experienced/less experienced, male/female, or a combination of all.


Will the training be visual, role plays, lecture style, other?  Will there be humour or games involved? How will participants get involved? Remember that an engaged audience will take away more from the training than a group who is not engaged.

Other tips

·         Determine who should attend – management only, non-management, or both.
·         Provide a certificate to those who have participated.
·         Keep it in short blocks and allow for breaks throughout the session.
·         Use technology as much as possible.
·         Reduce distractions by asking participants to turn off their smart phones.
·         Give attendees homework to complete either in advance, during or after the training has been provided.
·         Choose a name for the training that will give it credibility and is easily understood.
·         Use consistent formats for slides, templates and handouts if you’re providing different internal training programs.
·         Tailor the training as much possible to your organization rather than using canned training.
·         Select one or two people to be responsible for the overall program and its objectives to ensure accountability.
·         Do a pilot with a smaller number of participants to get feedback on how it can be improved.
·         Ask employees receiving the training what they need, either in person, through surveys or focus groups.
·         Budget appropriately for the costs associated with the program.
·         Make the materials accessible online for employees who either missed the training or want to view it again later.
·         Measure the successes afterwards and share the results through the organization.
·         Use evaluations at the conclusion to get a sense of how the training can be improved.


There is considerable effort that goes into an effective training program. Following these tips and tailoring training to your organization’s needs will help make your program valuable to the employees who are participating.

Marc Belaiche is a CPA, CA and is President of, an Internet recruitment business and recruiting firm located in the Greater Toronto Area in Canada. Marc has been in the recruitment industry since 1995. allows companies to post their positions online, search a resume database to find candidates, provides outplacement services and full temporary and permanent recruitment services. It also allows candidates to search and apply to positions directly online and get career, interviewing and resume tips all at no charge. Marc is also President of, an organization geared towards business owners (see You can reach Marc at and check out at