Win a free copy of “Tales From the Recruiter – A Canadian Recruiter’s Perspective On How To Get That Perfect Job”! The first 3 people to our head office at 160 Traders Boulevard East, Ste. 101, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z3K7 after 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday August 6th with a copy of this email get a free copy of the book (value of $19.95).
The book is written by Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA, President of
This book includes information on how to find a perfect job, how to use recruiters in a job search and how to best prepare for an interview.
The book is required reading for:
• any job seeker looking for a new position
• a new graduate looking for their first job
• a New Canadian looking for their first position in Canada
• someone in the recruiting industry or wants to get into it
• a company that wants to improve their hiring process
• someone in an HR role which includes recruitment responsibilities
• someone who coaches people looking for a job
For more information about the book or to order a copy visit or You can also download it through Amazon at
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