September Job Seeker E-News: The Secret 'Sauce' To Any Job Search
Article: Don't Go to School?
Article Written By: Jowita Bydlowska
I have one useless undergraduate degree. Useless but it was very expensive. When I finished school I realized I couldn’t afford to do my master’s and without it, my degree was worth little more than the paper (diploma) that announced it. Scholarships were not an option (long story) and another loan would probably have rendered me homeless. In retrospect, I’m glad I didn’t try to pursue that master’s degree — I know people who have done exactly that and never worked a day in their field because: no jobs.
As for me and my undergrad, I finished school and embarked on a desperate search for work that would demand a degree in psychology. The only thing I was able to find was a volunteer position at a distress centre — very rewarding, but it didn’t pay the bills.
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Article: The Secret 'Sauce' To Any Job Search
Article Written By: Dawn Rasmussen
Go out and do a Google search on how to conduct job searches, and you’ll come up with literally a billion different articles and pieces of advice… with a lot of the ideas out there contradicting each other. One person says, “Do it this way,” and then the next person has a different take on what you need to do. Is it any wonder job seekers are so darned frustrated?

It’s sort of like the dog running around in circles chasing its tail, isn’t it? Round and round and round, and it seems like no matter what, there you are back at square one again after yet another application-interview-rejection cycle. But the truth is the real secret “sauce” to a successful job search usually is so close to us it is like we literally can’t see our hand in front of our face. It boils down to some simple, solid strategies:
employment industry updates
Construction is providing the foundation for Canadian job growth
What’s been driving Canada’s job growth this year, and where will hiring happen in the coming months? The answer to both lies in one industry: construction. Employment in the sector rose by 17,700 last month, Statistics Canada figures showed Friday. More than 110,000 jobs have been added over the past year, a gain of 9.1 per cent – by far the largest of any industry. READ MORE
Ontario Economy's Challenges Are Just Beginning
Two years after graduating from college with an accounting degree, Amanda Coombes expected to be working full-time in her field. Instead, she's living with her mom and working at McDonald's. These days, in hard-hit Ontario, a job is a job. "It's hard for us," Coombes, 23, said of the challenges she and her fellow graduates face in their search for work in their chosen field. Older applicants, some laid off after 25 years in the business, offer life and work experience that make them formidable rivals. READ MORE
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