Direct Mail Comes to the Rescue in an Era of CASL

Businesses are singing the blues – the electronic marketing blues, that is. CASL (Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation) has disrupted certain business promotion models by requiring that all recipients of such messages have given prior consent or fall under implied consent. Gone are the days of the email blast, the commercial text message and the unsolicited social media promotion – no minor blow to legitimate businesses especially entrepreneurs and  small companies with limited budgets that have relied on the electronic media to promote themselves and to prospect for those all-important new customers. While CASL’s goal to reduce unwanted messages is laudable, the legislation is forcing a change of direction and a re-evaluation of methods including a return to an old stand-by  ̶  Direct Mail.

Direct Mail can fill the gap caused by CASL

Your email marketing list continues to be a legitimate way for your business to communicate with those who have an existing commercial relationship with you, who have given their explicit consent, or who have implied consent.

The problem is: How do you find new customers? How are new prospects made aware of your very existence and the wonderful things you can do or provide?

Yes, there are options such as links in online ads or the use of blogs on social media. But ads are more impersonal and blogging requires someone with that set of skills and constant attention. These methods while useful may not reach the person who does not read blogs or skips the ads.

Direct Mail is a proven method – with the right preparation. Arguments against it are the cost. However, if carried out properly Direct Mail can successfully broaden your reach, can bring in new prospects and even enlarge your email contacts by inviting prospects to sign up to your communication. It has worked for the businesses as diverse as a musical instrument dealer and a long distance company. The key elements for success are:

  •  Precise targeting,
  • Addressed mail (name and address), and a
  • An attractive, inviting or enticing insert
Precise targeting is important in order to reach those most likely to be interested in your message. It avoids waste. Which types of people are buying from you? Your own customer list can provide much of that information. If it isn’t clear then a professional analysis of the list will reveal the kind of customers already engaged with you. Using that information those types of households dominant in particular geographic areas can then be targeted. In the case of the instrument dealer, he wanted to hold a one day sale. He knew he had to target families with children, at a certain level of income. He sent invitations to the households in areas that exhibited those characteristics

Targeting gets you into the right geography but so far it’s still junk mail. The key here is to personalize your message. Use the name and address of the householder on the mail piece. This technique recognizes that there is a person on the other end and separates it from other mailings. Canada Post has found that there is a high propensity for individuals to open addressed mail.

With personalization you have increase your chances that you have their attention and that they will actually open up the envelope. Now you must reward them. From here on in your insert must speak for you. It has to be attractive to the eye, offer good information, perhaps the opportunity to take advantage of a sale or a coupon. The instrument dealer took it one step further. Confronted with a large ethnic segment in his target areas, he chose to send the invitations in their language. He was speaking their language – recognizing who they were. He had a great sale.

Now that you have their attention and their interest invite the prospect to sign up to your email – for a reward. This could be the start of a long relationship.

If you need to reach beyond your customer base Direct Mail is an alternative worth looking at. When precisely targeted, personalized with name and address and rewarding the prospect for their willingness to investigate who you are, Direct Mail can connect you with new prospects and fill the gap of electronic marketing.

Hilde Reis-Smart is the owner of SM Research a company that generates targeted Consumer and Business lists and uses Analytics to mine for customers.

1 comment:

  1. Great article. Not because of CASL, but because of the impersonal nature of email marketing which more often than not ends up in the deleted file, for the last 3 years, we have been using a form of direct mail marketing that has grown our professional practice so much that we are a referral only business. We keep reaching out in our direct mail, and the referrals keep coming in. It has been so successful, I actually teach it to other business owners. It works for any kind of business. THX for posting.
