Want to know why some people are more successful?

Want to know why some people are more successful in business than you?
by J. Brett Abbey

Do you ever wonder why some people are more successful in business than you? Why they generate more leads and have more sales?

Is it because they are smarter than you? Do they work harder? Are they better looking? Wait a minute. What am I saying? Who could be better looking than you!

In most cases, the reason you’re not doing as well as you should is because you are not sending the right message to potential clients. Have a look at this statement below.

A well thought-out plan for your financial future is an integral part of building the life you want for yourself and your family.”

I pulled this statement from the home page of an Investment Advisor for a national, financial planning company. This statement is basically the first thing you see on the Investment Advisor’s website, immediately after their name. And if you Google this statement, you will see that it appears on many other Investment Advisors’ websites from the same company.

Now ask yourself what value does this statement have? Does it interest you in wanting to know more about this advisor and the service they offer? Does it reveal what value this advisor offers you as a potential client? Does it even make you want to do business with this advisor above all others?

Sadly, no! The only thing this statement does is state the obvious. This statement does little to add value or provide a potential client with a reason why they should be interested. And chances are any potential client reading this statement is going to “click off” to another website and (dare I say) another Investment Advisor who has a value proposition that satisfies their needs.

Give your message value.

Marketing effectively is not rocket science. You simply need to help potential clients see the value you bring to the table and why they should choose you over others. They want to know that you are the right person (or better yet, only person!) who is going to help them solve their problems or fulfill their dreams.

You only have one opportunity to get it right. Having the right value proposition is paramount to your success. A good value proposition will practically, pre-sell your potential clients and they will want to know more about you. It’s what we call a hot, hot lead.

So whether you are a financial advisor, entrepreneur, real estate agent, accountant or business person, creating the right value proposition, can help you become the envy of your competitors – with more leads, more sales and more success.

Keep your eye tuned to www.messagemasters.ca for details on how you can create a value proposition that can practically double your sales!




About the Author

J. Brett Abbey is an award-winning speaker, author and messaging expert who can help you generate more leads, increase your sales and enjoy greater success – simply by creating the right message to the right person, the right way. Contact Brett today to see how you can turn your words into profit and get business to come to you.
www.messagemasters.ca or email web@messagemasters.ca to get started.


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